WHMCS - Available Module Features & Addons


While our custom Registrar Modules for WHMCS are supporting all the Features of their WHMCS' built-in counterparts, they are covering plenty of more Features. In addition, we can roll-out patches and new features anytime.

Supported built-in WHMCS Features

Find below Features that can be integrated based on WHMCS Registrar Functions. Some of them are optional and historically joined WHMCS. HEXONET is supporting all of them!

Custom Features

Here, is where we are doing it better than our competitors. Some of the below features can be enabled or disabled in the Registrar Module Settings.

Additional Addons

Registrar Module Features

Availability Check

Optional, used as data endpoint by the Domain Search of WHMCS. In case this registrar function is not integrated, WHMCS won't offer that module as loopup provider. If accurate availability checks are of interest and using your registrar as lookup provider, then this feature is mandatory for you.

Please continue reading about the "Name Suggestions" Feature which is directly related.

Note: We offer our custom Domain Search for WHMCS which offers plenty more options than the built-in one of WHMCS.

Name Suggestions

Optional. You can configure WHMCS' Lookup Provider to return domain name suggestions instead of the default mode which is about adding offered TLDs to the keyword.

If alternative domain name suggestions are important for you, choose a Registrar supporting this feature or use the WHMCS Namespinning.

WHMCS Namespinning won't be able to generate 100% accurate availability results. Only a Registrar can provide accurate results as they directly interact with the respective TLD Providers over their accreditation and fetch the availability data in real-time. Anything based on Whois Lookup is not reliable. Especially in regards to Premium Domain Names where WHMCS needs to access pricing details which can't be delivered by a non-registrar lookup provider.

Read: Lookup Provider - WHMCS Documentation

Domain Registration / Renewal / Transfer

Mandatory Features of a Registrar Integration. They allow for processing Domain Registrations, Domain Renewals and Domain Transfers.

Domain Restore

Optional. Whenever a Domain expired and has Status "Expired (in Redemption)", you'll be able to restore it via WHMCS. This can be achieved by invoking the Domain Renewal Feature. WHMCS will be adding an additional redemption fee to the renewal invoice then. If the respective Registrar Module is supporting Domain Restores, it will care for executing a Restore instead of a Renewal then.

Domain Restore Invoice

Domain Deletion

This feature allows for explicitely deleting a domain name in case your client doesn't need it any longer. Alternatively, you can also keep the domain name as it is paid and to let it expire (so not renewing it).

Domain Release / Push

With this feature domain can be pushed to the registry or to another registrar. This feature currently works for .DE domains (DENIC Transit), .UK domains (.UK detagging), .VE domains, .IS domains and .AT domains (.AT Billwithdraw).

We recommend reading your registrar's TLD documentation to access more information.

Registrar Lock

This feature allows to lock or unlock the domain if supported (by the Registrar and by the underlying TLD Provider). By locking a domain name, you can block outgoing transfers. So, this is a feature to keep your domains at your registrar and not losing them (by accident or fraud). Whenever you want to migrate domains from Registrar A to Registrar B, you'll have to unlock them.

Note: We offer a Domain Migrator Addon for WHMCS that helps migrating your portfolio.

Private Nameservers

Some TLD Providers manage Nameservers as separate Objects so that you'll have first to create them before you can start using them with your domain names. This is covered by this Feature.

Note: Check our custom Feature "Private Nameserver List".

Manage Domain Contact Information

This feature allows for managing contact data (Registrant / Admin / Tech / Billing Contact) of your domain names.

Get EPP/Auth Code

Allows a client to request the domain's authorization code which is for some TLDs required for initiating a domain transfer. The related WHMCS jargon for this is "eppcode". The code is finally either directly displaying to the client or sent to him by email. This depends on the Registrar / the TLD Provider.

Domain & Transfer Synchronization

WHMCS manages Domain Names and their data over its own database. By the built-in Domain & Transfer Synchronization WHMCS ensures to keep the data aligned to the underlying registrar's system. Usually WHMCS is synchronizing the expiration date and status of the domain and is marking transfers as either failed or completed. Only Domains in Pending or Active Status are getting considered in the Synchronization Process, max. 50 domains per run.


Domain Synchronisation - WHMCS Documentation

Domain Sync Settings - WHMCS Documentation

Crons - WHMCS Documentation

Custom Domain Fields

Some TLDs require additional data for processing Domain Registrations, Transfers and Ownerchanges (Change of Registrant). WHMCS makes this possible by their Custom Domain Fields feature (fka. Additional Domain Fields).

WHMCS comes with a built-in configuration which is not compatible to all registrars. That's is why they allow to override the configuration again by a custom override file. Follow the link below for more details.

Our Registrar Modules are either offering you 

  • a sample configuration file for reuse or
  • a configuration less approach.

HEXONET and CNR offer a configuration less approach which is far better than driving with a configuration file. 


  • the configuration file must be manually maintained by the reseller himself
  • no technical understanding about custom domain fields and the registrar API required
  • this works perfectly fine in a multi-registrar setup. Through the configuration file the fields work either for Registrar A or B, they can't be configured specific to a registrar. This scenario is not that uncommon - you may have an existing portfolio of .CA Domains with for example OpenSRS, but you continued at a later point of time with HEXONET. Contact Data updates of the existing OpenSRS .CA domains require the domain fields configured as expected by the OpenSRS Registrar Module and for Newregistrations, you'll need them to work with the HEXONET Registrar Module. So, two different configurations while you can only configure one set in that way.
  • we can implement pre-fill logics for fields e.g. to prefill the tax id into VATID related fields, pre-selecting the client's origin country or language.
  • configuration less means that it can be fully registrar-api driven OR at least to be driven by a configuration file maintained through the registrar module.
  • we added full translation support. WHMCS natively just support the translation of the field's label, but sadly not for its description or its dropdown options.
  • the feature "Conditional Requirements" (find it documented in the WHMCS docs below) was incompatible with earlier versions of WHMCS 7 (pre 7.10?) as those would consider a non-empty array as truthy and by that fields with conditional requirements would ALWAYS block the checkout even when those fields wouldn't be required from UI perspective (dependent fields not filled accordingly). We patched that with our dynamic approach!
  • ...

Find the chapter specific to the respective registrar module as part of the registrar module documentation.

Related: Additional Domain Fields - WHMCS Documentation

TLD & Pricing Sync

This feature allows for importing TLDs and their pricing from your registrar of choice into WHMCS. It allows for specifying margin settings etc. Even though this feature is optional, it is a must have to support resellers in their daily work. Here, IDN TLDs are supported by our integrations.

Related: Registrar TLD Sync - WHMCS Documentation

Premium Domains

This feature allows for offering Premium Domain Names to your clients. Even though we have this integrated, we know about how WHMCS Core supports Premium Domain Names and that this can be delicate when it comes to renewals. While you don't receive support in case of such issues from WHMCS, we'll be able to support you.


DNSSEC or Secure DNS is getting more and more popular as it is also a free replacement for SSLCerts. While it is a bit technical dealing with DNSSEC and probably not something yet for the masses, it is used by our resellers.

For a more detailed read: DNSSEC – What Is It and Why Is It Important? - ICANN




Internationalized Domain Names are getting more important and requested. That's why we fully supported them in WHMCS even before WHMCS was entirely ready for them. Initially WHMCS supported IDN TLDs only. Now, WHMCS is also ready for entire IDNs and we as Registrar are ready yet since a while.

In order to support Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) (e.g. v-8.ευ or موقع.وزارة-الاتصالات.مصر), it is required to activate the ‘Allow IDN Domains’ option in the WHMCS Admin area under:

Setup > General Settings > Domains > Allow IDN Domains

There were still Bugs in WHMCS about supporting the right IDN Standard related to the respective TLD e.g. .com vs. .de (fussball.com vs. fußball.de). Which we reported to WHMCS.

DNS Management

Optional. This feature allows for managing a domain's underlying DNSZone and its Resource Records.

Note: WHMCS is supporting just basic DNS RRs while we made more ones available. Check our custom features. Can be disabled/enabled per TLD.

Email Forwarding

This feature allows for adding email forwardings to your domains. Can be disabled/enabled per TLD.

ID Protection

This feature allows for hiding parts of the contact data in the public whois data. Can be disabled/enabled per TLD. We allow including the reconfiguration of this addon for all TLDs supporting it via TLD & Pricing Sync / Registrar TLD Sync.

IRTP Support

It governs the domain name transfers between ICANN registrars. The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) includes changes to domain ownership. Changes to a domain name’s registrant first name, last name, organization, and email address trigger the validation process.

IRTP handling is supported since WHMCS 7.6.

Domain Contact Verification - WHMCS Documentation
Domain Name Transfers - ICANN

IRTP Opt-out Transferlock

By default domains are locked for 60d after Transfer. By this, it can be opted out if supported in WHMCS via the Registrar Integration. Check the Links above for some more details.

Button "Resend IRTP Verification Email"

Custom Feature. This Admin Area Button allows for resending the "IRTP Verification Email". This helps in case the client deleted the email or hasn't received it initially (full inbox / Spam / ...).

Button "Resend Transfer Confirmation Email"

Custom Feature. This Admin Area Button allows for resending the "Transfer Confirmation Email". This helps in case the client deleted the email or hasn't received it initially (full inbox / Spam / ...).

Button "Cancel Transfer"

Custom Feature. This Admin Area Button allows for cancelling an initiated Domain Transfer. This is helpful in case there's something wrong with the Transfer Request (e.g. wrong nameserver data or contact data) or if the transfer got initiated by mistake, fraud, etc..

Button "Reject Transfer Out"

Custom Feature. This Admin Area Button allows for rejecting an outgoing transfer.

Button "Approve Transfer Out"

Custom Feature. This Admin Area Button allows for approving an outgoing transfer.

Button "Domain (Un-)Suspension"

Custom Feature. These Admin Area Buttons allow for suspending or unsuspending the domain in view. In some circumstances (e.g. fraud, ...) it might be useful suspending a domain name. A registrar system could have automatically suspended a domain name in case of no reaction to the IRTP Verification as well. Unsuspension helps after having the underlying case clarified and solved.

Auto-Suspend Domains on Expiration

Custom Feature. Whenever a domain name expires, it is getting automatically suspended. This is leading client's focus on the  d because the client missed renewing at time. This is leading the client's focus on the pending/missed renewal.

Extended DNS Management

Custom Feature. The DNS Management in WHMCS is coming with some software design issues:

  • Very limited number of supported Resource Record Types
  • TTL (Time To Live) Field is not supported
  • generic error message in case the dns update fails which is not giving a hint about the root cause

We were able to improve all this - the only thing to cover on your end are template changes. See the "WHMCS - Module Installation and Upgrade" Guide.

Validation of Transfers on Checkout

Custom Feature. When activated, Transfers will be prechecked on Shopping Cart Checkout. This includes validating the provided eppcode and the domain's locking status. This helps reducing customer support.

Registrar Lock Menu Removal

Custom Feature. By default, WHMCS displays the "Registrar Lock" Menu Entry without any exception. Some TLD Providers are not supporting this features - e.g. .eu. We added an auto-detection for these cases and a removal of this Menu Entry.

Private Nameserver List

Custom Feature. WHMCS allows for adding Nameservers and deleting them again. WHMCS isn't showing a list of existing Nameservers so that you can't identify the hostname to ip address mapping which is needed for private nameserver deletion. This custom Features is replacing the nameserver deletion form with the listing of existing private nameservers with action icons for deletion and is therefore providing a huge improvement to the user experience and decreases customer support effort.

Transfer Status & Log

Custom Feature. We added the output of the Registrar-side Transfer Status and the related Log to the Domains Tab in the Admin Area to make it more transparent. WHMCS isn't switching Domain with Status "Pending Transfer" in real-time to "Active". A domain could have been already transferred successfully and it takes until the next run of the Transfer Synchronization to get this also reflected in WHMCS.

Note: You can change the scheduling of the cron run to happen more often or adding an additional custom run to your server's cron tab.

Pending Transfer

Domain Synchronisation - WHMCS Documentation
Crons - WHMCS Documentation

Extended TLD & Pricing Sync

Custom Feature. The purpose of WHMCS' TLD & Pricing Sync (aka. Registrar TLD Sync) is about importing offerable TLDs, their pricing and some TLD-specific settings (redemption days, grace days, redemption fee, if eppcode is required for transfer).

The "Id Protection" Domain Addon isn't available for all TLDs and that's why we are hooking into this WHMCS Feature for importing this data as well. Otherwise you would have to know for which TLDs this is supported and to activate this manually via Domain Pricing Overview (or via SQL Statement).

Show Registrar System Connectivity Status

Custom Feature. Whenever you changed a configuration setting of your registrar module that is having an impact on the communication to/with the Registrar's Backend System, we are giving you a hint if the connection has been established successfully or not (plus providing more details in case of an error).

This applies to changing Credentials or switching the TestMode on or off.

Additional Domain Fields Extensions

#1 Fields Injection in Contact Information Form

Custom Feature. For some TLDs it is mandatory including additional domain fields when updating the contact information or when changing the owner of the domain.

WHMCS isn't offering a way for doing that in its client area at all which is ending in customer support as the contact information update will fail in such cases.

We improved this and all you'll just have to update a file of your WHMCS Theme.

#2 Validation of Fields on Checkout

Custom Feature. Where possible, we'll be prechecking the additional domain field data on Shopping Cart Checkout. For now, this applies to Date Format validation. Registrar Backend Systems usually expect Date Field Inputs to follow the format YYYY-MM-DD while a client may provide it as DD/MM/YYYY or similar. This might be result of the regional format clients are used to. Even when adding a hint to the expected format to the field's description, it might get missed or ignored. This feature helps blocking orders until the data is passing validity checks.

Related: Date format by country - Wikipedia

#3 Auto-prefill Fields

For some of the additional domain fields, it makes sense to prefill them with data out of client details:

  • VAT ID input fields
  • DK Hostmaster User ID input fields (see below "Custom Fields")
  • .CA: Contact Language (X-CA-LANGUAGE)

Let us know if you need other fields also being prefilled.

Dashboard Widget

Custom Feature. WHMCS offers its Dashboard for giving an overview about the system status, statistics, support tickets, ToDos and so much more. For a registrar integration, some topics are in general also of interest for a reseller:

  • Account Balance - as Registrar Systems are Prepaid Systems. Not having enough funds available means that you and your customers won't be able to order anything.
  • If there's a new module version available
  • ...

Our Registrar Modules are shipping with a Dashboard Widget built-in. Check the Matrix to identify where this is available.

CentralNic Reseller Dashboard Widget

CentralNic Reseller Dashboard Widget

Post-Transfer Updates

Custom Features. WHMCS is promising "Web-Hosting made easy" and covers forms and internal processes exactly into that direction. The idea behind is great, but it also ignores how Transferring Domains works. In general, Domain Transfers are not allowing for an additional Nameserver and Contact Update. The Standard Communication Protocol (EPP Protocol) used between TLD Providers and Registrars isn't allowing for including Nameserver and Contact Updates. Some exotic TLD Providers are allowing that, but that are very rare cases. This is finally leaving a gap between the client's (and reseller's) expectations and the final result of a Domain Transfer. That's finally the reason why we added a post-transfer processing to WHMCS. So, whenever a transfer succeeded, we are requesting the below updates to the Registrar System (taken out of the original transfer order). In case an update fails, we are logging it to the System Activity Log and we add a ToDo-List Item for Reference.

#1 Nameservers

#2 Contact Updates

#3 DNS Management Activation


  • A Contact Update may lead to a change of registrant and a contact verification.
  • WHMCS itself suggests your configured default nameservers by default on shopping cart level. Removing the nameserver configuration there with the idea to keep it untouched, isn't possible. So, either the client is providing a custom configuration or the default nameserver set will be used. So, be aware of that design issue of WHMCS for Transfer Orders when using that feature. The wrong nameserver configuration may lead to a domain name not to resolve properly.

Non-free Domain Trades Notification

Custom Feature. Whenever it comes to a Change of Registrant, some Registry Providers are covering this over a special procedure called "Domain Trade". Some TLDs, mainly ccTLDs, don't offer it for free.

WHMCS Core isn't supporting Domain Trades and invoicing their costs at all. That's why we log the costs to the System Activity Log and in addition, we add an Item to the ToDo-List accessible on WHMCS' Dashboard for transparency. This helps you identifying such a case and to forward the costs manually in direction of your customer.

.SWISS Registrations

Custom Feature. .SWISS Registrations are a bit special as they have to be ordered using the Pre-Registration Mechanism in the Registrar's System. Our HEXONET and CentralNic Reseller Registrar Modules are supporting this. From technical perspective there's no difference for clients regarding the order process compared to other TLDs.

Aftermarket Domain Support

Custom Feature. Very interesting domain names can be acquired via Aftermarket Platforms like Sedo or Afternic. WHMCS Core isn't supporting Aftermarket Domain Names at all in its built-in Domain Search, Shopping Cart and Order Process. We made this available for you.

NOTE: Requirement for this is the Premium Domains Feature of WHMCS.

Web Apps

Custom Feature. It allows for connecting your Domain via DNS to different Web Apps e.g. G-Suite (the only supported Web App up to now). This feature has been introduced to the HEXONET Integration a while ago. Even though the idea of this product is great, the Numbers of customers using it through WHMCS (and independent of it) are disappointing. This product may receive deprecation in future therefore.

Web App Connecting

Web App Connecting

Web App Disconnecting

Custom Transliteration

Detailed Read: https://docs.whmcs.com/Custom_Transliteration

We ship with a custom transliteration mapping Greek to Greeklish and HTML Entities to their UTF-8 counterparts. Some TLD Providers are very restrictive in direction of supported characters within contact information and domain registration attempts or contact updates may fail therefore. The transliteration process is a possibility to solve this by mapping unsupported characters to supported ones which leave  the word still understandible.

Related: Greeklish – Wikipedia

If you need anything else supported - let us know.

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